Talk about how you experienced this book? Is it too sad, too tragic to contemplate? Or did you find it in some way uplifting?
I experienced this book by starting off thinking it was going to be a sad book but every page was making the book better and better until Gus died. That made me not want to read anymore of the book cause he was such a good character. The book really isn't a sad nor depressing book until that happens but slowly everything gets better. This book had a few sad moments but many great and funny moments as well. It is not very tragic but when I got into the book I really cared for it and the characters. Yeah cancer is sad and a tragic disease but the book is so good and funny and the author finds a way to go around making it sad because of cancer. The main tragic moment is Gus dying and the partially tragic moment that was made funny was poor Isaac having to get his eyes removed but John Green finds a way to make funny parts before and after. The book is just amazing and I love it so much! In a way this book can be described as uplifting even though it is not completely happy but it can make people's spirits be raised and have them know they can do things. But in a way it is not because there are few upsetting moments. All in all this book was AMAZING even though there were a few upsetting times.
Kendall - I love your thoughtful reaction to the ending of the novel. For me, though, it wasn't the result of Gus dying that was sad and tragic for me, but it the saddest moments were the parts leading up to his death immediately after the night Hazel found Gus (after having vommitted on himself) in his car. Talk about falling action in a plot chart!