This quote shows to me how much Gus shows he is strong and shows he is fighting.
"They don't kill you unless you light them. And I've never lit one. It's a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do it's killing." The quote is so good and it shows how strong Gus is because he is fighting cancer and is not letting it have the power to kill him even though it eventually did. This quote is just like that because Gus had cancer and wouldn't allow it to kill him right away. Just like with the cigarettes. He had the cigarette and he had it in his mouth but he wouldn't allow it to kill him. Both of those things are deadly but he wouldn't give either of them enough power for a long time. It is a metaphor in a way because they are unlike by the fact that the cigarette could kill him but it wouldn't have the power to. And those are unlike by the fact that it can and could and would but it can't do it. Augustus was a very determined and powerful teenager who just wouldn't give up and kept fighting. He kept showing and proving all these deadly things will not have the power to kill him unless he let them.
yep! good analysis of the metaphor, kendall!