Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blog Post!!

Fault in Our Stars is officially one of my favorite books now. Yes it does get sad towards the end but I think the sadness winds the whole book together, if the book didn't have any drama or tragedies happen and was only filled with humor and romance then the whole book would have a different meaning. Yes, I cried A LOT at the end during MIR in homeroom!! But it was a good cry, it's worth reading EVEN if you are emotional READ IT!! The book has tons of deep meanings to it and i think there not cheesy at all, the quotes in the book actually make sense! I will recommend this book for everyone to read because this book has tons going on in it that there has to be something for each person to like it! but that's my opinion.Fault in Our Stars is a very good book and i will always love it!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pep talk

I think that at one part it was saying to try to be different and be something in the world like how Gus thinks. Also, that you shouldn't care what other people think just because your not the same like the part when they are going on the airplane and there all looking at them funny. And maybe it's saying that you should live your life because you won't be here forever. And appropriate what you have and that you should be grateful that you're healthy and have a good life other people wish they could be you!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

DQ's # 5

He Definitely did and I don't think it was that hard because she wasn't one of those girly girls. She was different not the same as any other girl. But in a very good way because I don't like to be the same either I like to be different to. Also there weren't like to many girly parts but that's okay because hazel wasn't like that.

pep talk

My novels "pep talk" is that you can find love no matter how ill you are or any problems you have. Also that no matter how sick you are you can always be strong and fight for your life and against thing that can cause you your life. Just cause you have a disease or you are doing something that may cause your own life or maybe your friend is doing something or has a disease don't give up. Don't think about death and dying because you are ill or because you think nobody loves you and you'll never find love. You can always! Don't let your disease run your own life because you own it! Your health conditions and rude people don't know anything and they are not you! This novel has so many "pep talks" in it and there is so much it can teach you! But we all in this world need to remember to keep trying, to stay strong, and don't give up no matter how hard life gets!!!

My novel's “pep talk”

What "Pep Talk" has does your novel give to readers?

My novel's “pep talk” is that it gives you hope that you can find love anywhere. You don’t need to be terminally ill to fall in love. you don’t need to be put under any category to fall in love. It gives you so much hope. Also it shows that if someone dies, or bad things happen (like the disappointment: Peter Van Houten), life goes on. life always goes on, no matter how annoying, or sad, or even how much life hurts. you need to be strong and you can’t give up because you think you're done, or because you're tired, or you just don’t wanna. you need to pick yourself up because it can get worse. but i will get better after a while. you have to believe and have hope that life goes before and/or you find love.  it gives you hope about so much: love, life, illness, friends, family, and so much more. everyone, i bet, gets a different message. but these are the main points of this story, but there are so many more. this novel gives so many “pep talks” in so many different ways. Just remember that life goes on, and have hope in falling in love.

Gus was a fighter

This quote shows to me how much Gus shows he is strong and shows he is fighting.
"They don't kill you unless you light them. And I've never lit one. It's a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do it's killing." The quote is so good and it shows how strong Gus is because he is fighting cancer and is not letting it have the power to kill him even though it eventually did. This quote is just like that because Gus had cancer and wouldn't allow it to kill him right away. Just like with the cigarettes. He had the cigarette and he had it in his mouth but he wouldn't allow it to kill him. Both of those things are deadly but he wouldn't give either of them enough power for a long time. It is a metaphor in a way because they are unlike by the fact that the cigarette could kill him but it wouldn't have the power to. And those are unlike by the fact that it can and could and would but it can't do it. Augustus was a very determined and powerful teenager who just wouldn't give up and kept fighting. He kept showing and proving all these deadly things will not have the power to kill him unless he let them.

How much Gus loves Hazel

I think this quote really shows just how much Gus loves and loved Hazel: “What else? She is so beautiful. You don’t get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you: You know she is. She is funny without ever being mean. I love her. I am so lucky to love her, Van Houten. You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers.” I really think he loved her for as long as humanly possible. After Hazel read this and said “I do, Augustus. I do.” She REALLY realized how much she meant to him. This also reminds me that we need more Gus and Hazel love stories. I mean they don’t need to die, but we need some more people who end up in that much with that much love for another person. We don’t have a lot of that type of love much anymore.